Purpose - Bichitra is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and ethnic cultural purposes. This will include distribution to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future Unit2d States Internal Revenue Law). The main purpose of the organization is to:
A) Arrange commonly celebrated traditional religious ceremonies of Bengalee origin.
B) Operate and/or support a school (or schools) to promote and preserve Bengali language and literature.
C) Organize ethnic cultural functions of religious and educational interest.
D) Facilitate such other activities as may be decided either by the Executive Committee or by the General Body.
Section l:
Fund - The fund of Bichitra shall consist of annual membership subscriptions, donations, and contributions from the patrons.
Section 2:
Expenditure - All activities of Bichitra shall be financed by its fund. In the event of liquidation of Bichitra, the Officers (or the Board of Trustees) shall, after paying or making provision for payment of all of the liabilities of Bichitra, dispose of all of the assets of Bichitra exclusively for the purposes of Bichitra in such manner, or to such organizations, organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or religious or ethnic cultural purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Officers shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of in accordance with Michigan law regarding non-profit associations.
Section 3:
Auditing - An Audit Committee shall be formed by the president in January every year. The Committee shall audit all the documents of Bichitra
Section 1:
Definitions - Membership of Bichitra shall be open to all people interested in its activities. Bichitra shall consist of:
Regular members who shall voluntarily contribute the annual membership subscription for general activities of Bichitra. The annual membership will be for a period of one year (January 1 through December 31) payable before March 3lst or as decided by the Executive Committee. The annual membership subscription will be as decided jointly by the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees.
The newcomers in the community can become regular members by paying prorated membership dues and vote in the proceedings so long as the effective date of membership is three months prior to an election.
Section 2:
Voting Rights - All regular members of Bichitra shall enjoy voting rights. Honorary members shall not qualify to vote.
Section 1:
Committee Members - General management of Bichitra shall be vested in its Executive Committee, generally consisting of six (6) regular members duly elected by the General Body. The designations of the office bearers shall be as follows:
1 President
1 Vice-President
1 Secretary
1 Treasurer, and
2 Executive Committee Members
The President of the outgoing Executive Committee or his/her designate shall serve as an ex-officio member of the current " committee. He shall have the right to vote in the Executive Committee.
Section 2:
Tenure - Tenure of the Executive Committee shall be for one year from April 1 through March 31 of the fiscal year. No member shall seek election for the same office for more than ' two (2) consecutive terms.
Section 3:
Duties - The Executive Committee shall:
A) Arrange all activities as mentioned in Section 1 of Article I.
B) Publish an annual report pertaining to the activities and financial status of Bichitra. The Treasurers shall prepare a financial report by March each year. Attend Executive Committee meetings and carry o assigned by the President.
Section 4:
Vacancy - Vacancy in the office of any office-bearer, caused by resignation or any other reason, shall be filled up by a regular member of Bichitra appointed by the President. If the President's position is vacant, the Vice-President will fill the position of President. If all the Executive Committee members resign, the Board of Trustees will appoint a member or members to serve for the remaining term of the office for the vacant position(s).
Section 5:
Any member of the Executive Committee may be recommended for removal from his/her office by the President to the Board of Trustees. A majority decision by the Trustees will be binding on the Executive Committee member.
Section 6:
Presidential Nomination - The President, with the executive committee, shall nominate each year:
A) A chairperson and two (2) other members to form an Election Committee in December.
B) A chairperson and two other men Committee in April.
C) A chairperson and members to form subcommittees required to perform specific religious, educational ethnic cultural functions.
Section 7:
Board of Trustees - Bichitra will have a five (5) member boar of trustees. These members shall be elected for a period of three (3) years. The President will be an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees.
Section 1:
Executive Committee Meetings - The Executive Committee shall " meet as and when necessary. Two-thirds (2/3) committee members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2:
Minutes of Meetings - Minutes of a meeting shall be mailed to a regular members of Bichitra, as and when decided by the Executive Committee.
Section 3:
General Concern - All issues of general concern arising out of an Executive Committee meeting will be decided by the majority vote of the Executive Committee and the decision will be binding on all members of the committee to support and explain the decision to the general membership with a view to maintain harmony in the organization. In case of a tie vote, the President will be authorized to present the issues to the Board of Trustees. A majority decision by the Trustees shall be binding on the Executive Committee.
Section 4:
Holding of general body meeting and topics to be discussed will be decided by the majority decision of the Executive Committee. However, under unusual circumstances, a minimum of 20% of paid members can request such decision out of Executive Committee. Any disputes or challenges over the voting ballots shall be resolved by vote of the election committee constitute the quorum and the decision on the issues by majority of the members present will carry as the decision of Bichitra.
Purpose of General Body Meeting:
Election and inauguration of office bearers.
Communicate significant changes in the plans and policies as deemed necessary by Executive Committee.
Amend constitution or any other emergency decided by the Executive Committee.
Section 5:
Annual Meeting- The Executive Committee in conjunction with election committee shall arrange for the annual meeting each year. The main purpose of such a meeting is to present the election results and the names of the elected office bearers for the next fiscal year. The outgoing Executive ' Committee shall distribute Annual Report and may propose any other issues of general concern for discussion.
Section 1:
Election Committee - An Election Committee consisting of an odd number of regular members, shall be formed by the President every year in December to conduct election of the office bearers for the following year. No member of the seek election for any office of the Executive Committee.
Section 2:
Nomination - The Election Committee shall distribute election nomination forms to all regular members of Bichitra and request return of the nominations for various positions of the Executive Committee by a specified date. All nominations shall be proposed and seconded by regular members and be validated by consents of the nominees. No nominee shall contest for more than one office at a time.
Section 3:
Voting - Election shall be conducted by confidential ballots. The Election Committee shall distribute to all regular members.
Ballot papers with names of the nominated candidates.
Self-addressed envelopes for safe and secret the ballot papers.
The ballot papers shall reach the Election Committee by a specified time formulated by the Committee. The Election Committee shall open the ballots in the presence of the nominees. Willing regular members shall be allowed to witness the validation and counting procedure. Tie votes shall be resolved by the votes of the Election Committee.
Section 4:
Presentation - The Election Committee shall present the names of the newly elected office bearers of the Executive Committee in the Annual Meeting.
Section 1:
Initiation - An amendment of the Constitution may be initiated by the Executive Committee, however, under unusual circumstances, a minimum of 20% of the paid members can request an amendment for initiation by the Executive Committee. If the Executive Committee fails to propose such amendment, it can be presented to the Board of Trustees for review. The decision of the Trustees wi1l be binding on the Executive Committee.
Section 2:
Procedure - A proposed amendment of the Constitution shall be accepted (a) when each member receives an exact copy of the proposed change or amendment ahead of a General Body meeting to be called to discuss the amendment issue at hand and (b) the resolution for the proposed amendment is passed by a majority favoring amendment in the General Meeting called for this purpose. All amendments of the Constitution shall be communicated to all regular members of Bichitra by the Executive Committee as soon as possible
Section 1:
General Rule - Any decision or action taken by the Executive Committee shall automatically be ratified by Bichitra and be effective, unless objected by the Board of Trustees and by at least 20% of the voting members of Bichitra.
Section 2:
Resolution of Issues - When at least 20% of the regular members raise such a specific objection to any action or decision of the Executive Committee, it shall be held in abeyance. The Executive Committee shall forward the issue to the Board of Trustees for advice. The decision of the Trustees shall be binding on the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee Members
Each member should vigorously participate in the discussion of issues and actions needed in the committee deliberations. However, after a decision has been made by the majority, each member will have a responsibility to support and explain the decision to other members of the club without any prejudicial statement about other members of the committee. In the extreme event, any member feels that he/she cannot work within the above code of conduct and guidelines of constitution should resign forthwith.
Members of the Club
Each member should uphold the decision of the majority in general body meeting and those of the executive committee. He will abide by the guidelines of the constitution & avoid using abusive language in public meetings of the club. In the event of repeated violation of this code of conduct, the president will have the right to take appropriate action including the disbarment of the member of his rights of exercising the membership privileges.